Monday, November 14, 2011

Refasion: my shirt to Zoe's shirt

 Not the greatest picture, but this is me wearing that pink shirt about a year and a half ago. Everytime I wore the shirt Zoe would say, "Mom, I wish I had a shirt like that!" Well, it got a hole in it (all of my shirts have holes in the front, I think it is from leaning my belly where the granite tile is rough when I do the dishes, and cook?).
I was going to throw it out but I decided to turn it Zoe sized instead.
It worked out so well! Okay, so I should've done a tutorial, but I never know if it WILL turn out. You know I only post things on here if they turn out. How many projects have I NOT posted because they flopped? Lots :)


Laura S. said...

What a smart idea! Re-fashioning --it's kinda like repurposing right? Way to go green. ; )

Lucky Zoe.

shawna said...

I thought i recognized that shirt!