Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Repurposed skirt to dress

 I have had this skirt forever. I really love it but I can't ever find anything to wear with it, or it doesn't feel like me. So, I was going to get rid of it but instead I decided to repurpose it. It is so frilly and girly I knew Lydia would love a dress out of it.
I basically just it down to fit around her. I left the length on it so I wouldn't have to hem all the layers. I made some sleeves and a little belt. It really is ridiculously simple, but I thought it looked so glamorous. She said, "I feel like a bride!"

Really the second picture is the only one that lets you see the dress, but I couldn't resist the other poses.


Laura S. said...

Beautiful! I wish I weren't so scared of sewing. It's a good thing I have all boys I guess, although I'm sure there are plenty of cute things I could make for them too. Good thing I'll have a talented sister-in-law living nearby...

shawna said...

Love it! I especially like how obvious it is that Lydia loves it. Too cute.

Also, I don't think she looks like a child bride at all...not even ready for her first communion. (can you tell that i am wishing i could watch my big fat gypsy wedding?).

hayley said...

You are amazing! I love it and Lydia is a perfect model.

Todd said...

So very cute. I haven;t done any crafts since we were together in May. I need to live closer so we can get together for bi-monthly craft projects. I'm lame. Oh, wait! I'm just pregnant.