Tuesday, January 6, 2009

crocheted robots

I found this pattern from a Etsy site that Jen sent me. Liam loves robots and I couldn't resist this little guy. Liam named him David, which is the funniest robot name ever! The girls loved David so much that they begged me to make them one.
This is Lydia's robot, Belle. Lydia chose the colors. I think it is funny that it turned out looking like she is wearing bikini bottoms, and she has the faint outline of a chest (not intentional).


Amie said...

i love these prototypes (said in a conkie-3000 voice)

Todd said...

Melissa,you did an amazing job on these! I'm going to have to try to find some time to make a robot for a little boy I know.

Again, this is Jen.