Monday, June 20, 2011

Paste paper!

 This is one of my favorite projects that always ends up with such beautiful decorative paper. Simple enough that anyone (except two year olds :) can help.
This paste is a mixture of 2 1/4 C. water combined with 1/3 C. white flour. Mix and let sit on the counter for a couple hours. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly for ten minutes. You want it to end up the consistancy of heavy unwhipped cream. Let it cool completely. Strain. Add paint.
We used cheap acrylic and it worked out just fine. I let each of the kids choose their own colors, then we all shared. The paint lightens a little as it dries, so make it good and bright!
The next part is the fun part. You can fingerpaint the goo all over the paper, experimenting with amounts, textures, designs, and patterns. You can get some really fun results. Some of our favorites included making designs with a serrated knife, my wedding ring, a clothes pin, and then sticking two pieces of different colored paint together then pulling apart.

 This is Austin making some artsy paste paper which he later used for the cover of his book.
Beautiful results. Next I will share some things we make out of them!


Jill said...

You know, I've never done this but have always wanted to! Thanks for the recipe! You inspire me!

Todd said...

G is always wanting to do crafts (can she come live with you?). We haven't made paste paper in a while. Maybe I should make a list of "Things to do with Daddy while he is on Paternity leave." Thanks for all the inspiration!

So what did you do with the two year old?