Saturday, August 23, 2008


None of the paper is handmade (by me). I just threw together some cards for some birthdays and thank you's. Here are a few.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Peach syrup

My first attempt at peach syrup. It wasn't peachy enough.
Recipe for Peach Syrup
1.Take all the peels, pits, bruised parts, anything that will be discarded after prepping peaches for canning, pies, freezing.
2. Put in a large saucepan.
3.Cover with water.
4. Boil until the essence of peach has been transferred from the peaches to the water.
5. Drain liquid from chunks. Discard chunks.
6. Measure liquid. Add equal parts sugar to liquid. 1:1
7. Boil until sugar is dissolved.
It is pretty runny. You could find a way to thicken it up.
I had problems with #4. I didn't boil it long enough. I boiled mine for an hour maybe. If you want it really peachy I would try longer.

Peach Pies

These are peach pies, and although they are lovely they were not delicious. I don't love peach pies. I think peaches should be used fresh, but I had so many and I love to make a pie. It is one thing I feel confident saying I do well. Maybe because it is the something that is recongnized by my family and talked about.
My favorite pies to make (that do taste good) are cherry and rhubarb. Yum.

My first attempt at selling

These pictures are all pretty terrible but at the time I took them I wasn't planning on posting them. (These got sold at the auction)
A friend of mine challenged me to make some earrings for selling. He said anyone could have a business if it was something they were passionate about. I took the advise and made a whole bunch of jewelry to sell at a party I was having. I think I sold two or three pairs. Over all I was pretty discouraged. I ended up donating the rest of them to our family reunion auction. So my sisters and sisters in law have them. That is great with me. But I probably won't sell them again.
(I kept the pink ones, and love them. A friend bought the middle pair. The

I love these bracelets. I actually gave the middle one to Amie for her birthday. The other two my mom and sister have.

I kept these.

The two on the right I sold. I don't remember who got the others.

The ones on the left are my favorite. Did Sarah get the other two pairs?