Monday, November 14, 2011

Repurposing: flare leg cords to "skinny" cords

 I mind as well call this post "I am cheap", because that is pretty much what this comes down to. I just got some boots with which I need to wear skinny jeans. I don't have any skinny jeans, due to the fact I just don't think I should wear them. I am "curvy" and I don't think that they are made for curvy ladies. They are, after all called "skinny" jeans. But I love my boots enough that I will wear skinny jeans, or in this case, skinny cords.
 Here are some old cordoroy flare leg pants that someone gave me (that is how I get most of my clothes :) I decided I wanted to be able to wear them with my boots. I had turned some flare jeans of Zoe's into skinnies and they worked out so well, I decided to try for myself.
 I think they turned out okay. I will wear them anyway.
I also tried with some jeans and they worked out great as well. Now I have two pairs of skinny jeans and spent no money. Also, I don't have to say I broke my vow never to buy skinny jeans.


hayley said...

Way to go! Love the boots! I have to admit that skinny jeans can create a nice shape even if you are curvy; which I never thought before. Your girls are so lucky!

Amie said...

they look so great!!! I know you think you can't do it- but you totally pulled the skinny jean look off! Great stuff!

shawna said...

Amazing job!!! I love that idea.