Friday, October 8, 2010

Mad Scientist Birthday Party

While the guests were arriving, we had them make nametags with mad scientists names on them. Then we did their hair crazy, so they would look like mad scientists.

Next, we started concocting potions.
It was really fun. The Pop Rocks were popping for a full 15 minutes after we put them in.
After they were good and sugered up from the potions we did a few experiments.
First, this milk and food color experiment.
Next, we made Oobleck.
Lastly, we made Slime.
It was super fun, and took just enough time.
After experiments I sent them on a treasure hunt all around the neighborhood to find the treasure, which ended up being the pinata. I did riddles for some of the clues and some of them were sketches.
I had made the pinata with little chocolate eyeballs inside (as well as other candy).
Next we cut into the brain cake.
It worked out just great. I was so pleased with the timing of it all. My husband was off picking up his folks from the airport so I was so happy my brother and his wife were there to help. Especially when I almost killed a neighborhood kid (with a peanut allergy) by letting him eat a chocolate eyeball filled with peanut butter.

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